Hello, my friend. I’m glad you came across this page. This is where I finally let go of my thoughts. Thoughts about the good times, the sad sides of life, society in general, mental health, stuttering and cooking recipes.

You are also very welcome to join the book club or the movie club, where we watch and discuss different books and movies every month. Please feel at home here, because only at home can you be yourself. 💛

  • You see the surface

    You see the surface

    Time and time again something happens. I love humans and humanity and at the same time society is not my friend. I am just the way I am. Weird, awkward, aloof, distanced and so much more. But one thing is for sure. I will never in my life change. I know myself and I know…

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  • Born to fight

    Born to fight

    My dad was always a tenacious and adament human being. Like a rock. Hard to come on terms with and a lack of empathy, because he himself didn’t get the empathy he wanted to. That was how I grew up with him and throughout my life our relationship changed multiple times. My father is a…

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  • Family


    I am a human being that loves family time. I care deeply and I remember it well when we were all together as one large family and celebrating each others birthdays or christmas for example. The older I get now, the more I look at the pictures and a sudden feeling of nostalgia hits me.…

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  • Humble and Care

    Humble and Care

    On days like these I get reminded how beautiful life actually is. How many privileges I have and how carelessly I deal with them. I need to be in a state of modesty to appreciate everything in my life. The big things that are mostly hollow and superficial but moreover the small things that can…

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  • Teenage years and stuggles (part 2)

    So all of a sudden I was eleven years old. Time to move to the middle school. I got new teachers and new school colleagues. Fortunately I was in the class with some students that I already went with in grade school, but the building was new, the teachers was new and a bit scary…

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  • Childhood, School and the Beginning of my Stuttering (Part 1)

    The article is the first on a three part series. Expressing yourself is probably the most usual things a human being can do. The way you speak, the tone you choose as well as the words you carefully pick out before you get your thoughts and opinions out to the world is pretty easy. That…

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