Hello, my friend. I’m glad you came across this page. This is where I finally let go of my thoughts. Thoughts about the good times, the sad sides of life, society in general, mental health, stuttering and cooking recipes.

You are also very welcome to join the book club or the movie club, where we watch and discuss different books and movies every month. Please feel at home here, because only at home can you be yourself. 💛

  • The Importance of Letters

    I always had a tough time speaking and finding the right words regardless of my stutter. Growing up I spoke the way I used to. I did not think about the words coming out my mouth mostly. My brain was always faster than my mouth. Fortunately now I speak much slower and more precise. One…

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  • Coming back and loving yourself

    After all those problems it was no walk in the park to go back to school but atleast there were external factors that helped me like listening to music or reading books. I always could count on them and in every situation they were helping me out. In school I saw people differently. I saw…

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  • 10 Days

    10 Days

    We are now ten days in the new year. Has anything changed? Do you feel better? Did you already achieve your new year goal? If so, then I am really happy for you but if not then that’s not the end of the world. It is only ten days. There is no need to be…

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  • 2024


    We have a new year. I wish everyone a new year. Much health and fortune to all of you. It is a fresh start, but everything will be there for you. It won’t be easy, but we always have the choice to go into ourselves and reinvent ourselves. Take a step back and look how…

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  • When the lights go out

    When the lights go out

    All the people are here, but it is still only half of it. The other half doesn’t even care. I know them all, but they don’t know me. I don’t behave or act different because I am worth it. I know them better then they know themself. Altough these people know me since I was…

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  • The Days

    The Days

    I appreciate you. Past traumas have made me this way but now I have you and that is all I need. I hope you see it the same way. You can do anything in this life. I hope you are alright. You are feeling quite okay with what you do in life and where you…

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  • Dreaming something into reality

    Dreaming something that turns itsself into reality sounds magical especially if you have control over your dream. We barely have that in reality sadly. But there is something called Déjá Rêvè where your dreams turn into reality at a later time. Something that I have experienced a couple of times in my life. Déjá Rêvè…

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  • Privileges


    I grew up and still live in an run-down, old apartment building that is over 60 years old. We rarely had money for any vacation or any other fancy things that one family might has. I stutter since I am three years old and have been to various therapist. Despite the stuttering and all the…

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  • Empathy


    Sometimes I get reminded when I always get along better with women than with men. May it be a talk or even having fun. It just hits different. One word that always floats around my mind is Empathy. The majority of Men have probably never heard of it. I suppose. Growing up I was always…

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  • A day in my childhood life

    A day in my childhood life

    8 o’clock. The sun is screaming to let it in. The summertime has come. School has already ended. Of course my parents are wide awake while I am still in dreamland. But as always I forgot what I dreamed of quickly after the 8 year old me choose to wake up. I take a few…

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